Look at her go!


Price: $59.95

Verified, bonded

April 9, 2010
By boredgirl
Pros: good for walking
Cons: makes hands smell funny
Baby Walking Services, Reasonable Rates!
Drop your child off at my home and I will walk it for up to an hour at a slow to moderate pace. If you don’t want to come to my home or do not know where it is, you can usually find me at the Albemarle community park, near the tire swings. I will be the one with the red carnation pinned to my lapel, holding a dozen baby leashes. I usually walk children in large groups, there is a fee if you want a one-on-one session. I will keep your baby securely fashioned in a harness to make sure it gets lots of exercise, does not become obese, yet is safe and protected from falling if it doesn’t know how to walk very well yet.
Snacks are not provided and don’t think they can give me cute looks and I will share my dry Cheerios with them that’s not how I roll.
Please make sure your children are wearing shoes, preferably slip-on or velcro shoes. I do not like seeing feet or tying laces.
There is a fee if your child gets its filth on my clothing. I will not teach it the alphabet or play with it on the jungle gym, so do not even ask. My services are for child walking ONLY!!!!!
Call today for a price estimate typically I make $100-200 an hour because my time is valuable.

One Response to “Look at her go!”

  1. Granice Says:

    Are you being serious. I would never let you get near any of my kids. Also, why do you think that your time is so valuable, you just walk the kids at the park. I work 10 hours a day and actually help people. My husband makes enough for both of us, so i don’t even have to work, but i do it because i know I am helping others. Your “walking service” robs parents of important bonding time with their children, and only tears apart the community. I think everyone needs to slow down and think about their lives and what they are missing. Community sourcing and using these outside parenting contractors has got to stop. I think you only deserve $8 an hour, your advertisement is full of grammar and spelling errors. i don’t mean to be a snob, but I can’t help it, I use to be an editor.

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